Sunday was our last day in Capljina. What a powerful ending to an amazing week. The entire week seemed to just build upon itself, like a well played symphony. I am probably getting into dangerous territory here, to use a musical metaphor, as I know nothing about the finer arts. But, the beauty of the week deserves an analogy no less beautiful. Our visits to those in the depths of grief were like requiems, but were greeted with cultural praises sung accapela to our glorious Lord. There is so much hope and joy within the hearts of these beautiful people. As a prayer team, who knew that we would learn so much from them about prayer! They spend so little time on petition and so much energy in praise, adoration and thanksgiving. It made us all wonder, "What could we possibly offer these amazing followers of our Lord and Savior?" They have experienced so much of life's crucifixions. But, we serve a mighty, sovereign and big God, who changes our life's crucifixions into His resurrections! And, this was the crescendo! We watched as this played out so magnificently before our eyes, culminating on our last day, in the Sunday worship service followed by the baptism of one of our own team members, Jamie Rotella. I have included a video of this glorious celebration along with one of my favorite pictures from the trip. Both, to me, represented the resurrection of Christ Jesus, one in a man, and one in a country - the flower growing out of the destruction, for me, symbolized the resurrection we experienced in this magnificent week which all of you helped us to experience. Thank you to all of our supporters!
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.” John 11:25
Jamie - you've been walking out your salvation for a while now. Sunday's baptism was just a symbol of how Jesus has already captured your heart and made you a new creation. I'm so honored to call you brother, friend, Dedo! You are truly a man after God's heart! Love you, Jill
Jamie . . . Team Member, Awesome Driver, Man of few, but always powerful words . . . You are a living testament of what it means to walk in the way and in the light. Thank you for your wonderful witness of faithfulness, patience, kindness, and quiet strength. You are not only generous with things, but generous of yourself, always putting your brothers and sisters first. It is this "others first" mentality that makes you such an amazing Christian example for others and draws people to you. I am grateful to have shared your "special day." It was the perfect ending to a glorious week.
"The LORD bless you
and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
It was so wonderful being there for one of those unforgettable events...your baptism. Thank you for letting Christ's light shine through you with your 'servant's heart' filled with compassion, kindness and humility. Such mercy that it glorifies your heavenly Father and is truly inspiring to me.
Way to go Jamie!!!
It was a honour to be there and witness your commitment to our Lord.
Much Love and Blessings,
Your family in Christ,
Mick, Ali, Sam and Chloe
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