Before I tell you about the Open House, though, I want to share with you a bit from Oswald Chambers' devotional for today -- a few of us had read this devotional this morning.
He says, "We have a commercialized view [of successful service] -- we count how many souls have been saved and sanctified, we thank God, and then we think everything is all right." He goes on to say, "One life totally devoted to God is of more value to Him than one hundred lives which have been simply awakened by His Spirit."
So we kept that in mind as we prepared for the day, and it helped as during the morning session, only two women came to pray for health issues. Not as many as we would have liked, and yet after we prayed with and for one of the women, she made a decision for Christ -- she has been coming to the church for a long time, but she had never given her life to Him. But now she has. And now we pray that she will be that "one life totally devoted to God." If we had had 10 or 20 show up, I'm not sure we would have had the same result.
The afternoon session went well -- more showed up and the prayer time was intense, open, and fruitful. What an awesome day -- and it's not even over yet!
It would seem that you all have made a huge difference in some lives in Bosnia already... your own as well as some of the people you have come in contact with. I'm so glad that you arrived safely, that you are accomplishing God's mission and that lives are being changed. While you all are praying, many are praying back at home. And prayers are being answered here too!!!
That's so awesome! It brings me to tears that God prepared her and you to meet at that appointed time. What a cool example of how he lets us participate in His plan.
Praying strength & good rest so that you may continue to be sensitive to how the Spirit is moving all around you.
Wonderful to see and hear snippets about how the Lord is using the team. No doubt that "your plans" will not always come to fruition, and this can be frustrating. But the Lord is accomplishing "His" plan and is strategically touching the lives of individuals that you come across. Rejoice in situations which allow "growth opportunities" :) Love you all!
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